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Letter from the President


This website acts as a model and learning tool for students to practice developing multimedia projects of inclusivity that serve the community, campus, students and faculty in an educational and research strong environment. This site is also connected to a Campus Registered Organization of the same name. What you see on each page are only some of the elements that are being tested and developed...others will come. In ONE MONTH, this site was produced by faculty, staff, and students at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, who volunteered to begin developing what they believe an Inclusive and Welcoming website would potentially look like on University Campuses and in the Profession. (Imagine what we will accomplish in a semester or year!) 

With so many diverse voices and so many agendas, it's important that everyone has a seat at the table. Many times, marginalized groups and voices are omitted, scarce. or oppressed. We are also aware that some of the marginalized perspectives can also be found in dominant groups as well.. The main objective is to De-Marginalize Voices. I believe, the key and the goal to creating learning spaces of Respect, Diversity, Inclusion and Understanding is to create platforms, a "Table," where EVERYONE is invited and EVERYONE'S voice is heard...My hope is that Hear My Voice is one of them.



None of this could have been accomplished without the brainstorming and support of Student Advisor Terry Cole. It was a conversation that HE began with me that really ignited this project. The other members of the team, from Faculty to Staff, to the awesome dedicated students who volunteered to take on more work, just to make this dream that I have had for 4 years, come into fruition, were simply spectacular! They, the students, are the ones who will be the leaders of tomorrow. The leaders who will make a difference and I am so honored, we are so honored and proud of them and their desire to create, positive and empowering spaces in which not only do they want to learn, but to live. They have my gratitude. 







    Respectfully yours,

                                                                                Janice Marie Collins,


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